INFP strengths and weaknesses

DI tengah gegap gempita pusingnya proses implementasi login social media di WordPress, iseng-iseng buka web dilanjutkan tes kepribadian yang ternyata hasilnya adalah jrengjrengjrenggg
Hmmm, kalau tidak salah 9 bulan lalu tes di, hasilnya INTP, apakah saya mengalami perubahan kepribadian? Bisa jadi, karena apa yang kita isi merupakan cerminan dari kondisi kita yang terjadi dalam waktu belakangan dimana dinamisnya hidup sangat mempengaruhi apa yang jadi sikap kita. Tentunya selain faktor paham apa nggak ama pertanyaannya lho :p

Sejumlah analisis juga dikemukakan oleh web ini terkait INFP, diantaranya

INFP strengths

  • Passionate and energetic. INFPs tend to be very energetic when it comes to causes they believe in and are willing to fight for. They may be quiet and even shy in public, but their passion should not be underestimated.
  • Very creative. INFP personalities find it easy to interpret signs and hidden meanings – furthermore, their well-developed intuition has no difficulties connecting the dots and coming up with interesting, unusual ideas.
  • Open-minded and flexible. INFPs dislike being constrained by rules and do not seek to impose them on others. They tend to be fairly liberal, open-minded individuals, as long as their principles and ideas are not being challenged.
  • Idealistic. INFPs are perhaps the most idealistic of all personality types, believing that people are inherently good and everyone should do their best to fight evil and injustice in the world.
  • Seek and value harmony. INFPs do not want to dominate and work hard to ensure that everyone’s opinion is valued and heard.
  • Can be very dedicated and hard-working. As mentioned above, INFP personalities are both very passionate and idealistic. Not surprisingly, they can also be unbelievably dedicated to their chosen cause or an organization. It is unlikely that an INFP will give up simply because everyone else has abandoned the cause or it is getting difficult to keep going.

INFP weaknesses

  • Too altruistic. INFPs may be so focused on doing good things and helping other people that they may neglect their own needs. Alternatively, they may fight for their chosen cause ignoring everything else in life.
  • Dislike dealing with data. INFP personalities are very much in tune with emotions and morality, but they are likely to have difficulties when it comes to dealing with facts and data, e.g. analyzing connections or finding discrepancies.
  • Difficult to get to know. People with the INFP personality type tend to be private, reserved individuals. They are also likely to be quite self-conscious.
  • Take many things personally. INFPs cherish their ideals and find it very difficult to accept criticism, taking such comments very personally. They also tend to avoid conflict situations, always looking for a solution that satisfies everybody.
  • May be too idealistic. INFP personalities are prone to being too dreamy and idealistic, especially when it comes to romantic relationships. They may idealize – or even idolize – their partner, forgetting that no one is perfect.
  • Impractical. INFPs do not really see practical things as important. They may even forget to eat and drink if they are doing something that excites and motivates them.

Nah, apakah itu berlaku sepenuhnya? Menurut saya pribadi, karena itu berdasarkan riset yang pastinya berdasarkan pertimbangan yang matang, tentu hasilnya mempunya validitas yang dijamin, namun apakah berlaku 100%? Belum tentu :)

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