MC= Ok audience. Welcome to Four Eyes. In this episode, i will discuss about relationship problem. I will call my guest stars, they are the best Indonesian vocal group, they are TANGGA

A= Hello MC
MC= Hello too, how are you?
C= We're fine
B= And you??
MC= I'm fine too,sit down please
D= Thank you

MC= TANGGA, we know that recently many teenagers are in private troubles, one of them is relationship problems, how do feel about the topic?
((asking opinion))
A= In my opinion, they should focus on their academic so that they don't need to think about relationship problems.
((giving opinion))
B= I totally with A's opinion
((strongly agreeing))
MC= What's your view?
((asking opinion))
C= I'm not sure I agree with you
D= What do you mean by that?
((asking clarifying))
C= In other words, that's not wrong if a boy like a girl and if they make relationship, it means they are ready to face problem with their relationship
D= i get it,
((understanding clarifying))
B= but we know that teenager's main task is studying, isn't it?
((lack n partly disagreing))
A= Yes, I agree entirely relationship problem will make teenagers in a pickle.
B= I worry if so much time that wasted by teenager to think about that, it will make their forget about their academic, religious activity.
((giving opinion))
A= Gotcha. Even it's impossible their relationship problem will make their friendship's broken.
((understanding n opinion))
MC= Why do u think that?Do u have exprience like that?
(asking clarifying))
A= I've been ever in that condition, so I recommended that focus to the academic
((clarifyng n giving suggestion))
C= Haha...I've been also ever in that condition but I could finish it by talk turkey about my feeling and she could understanding my position
D= So u 've ever in relationship problem, haven't u?
C= Yes, how about u(MC)?
MC= Hey hey...I'm MC, don't ask me now. It's your turn, my turn will we talk in behind
A,B= haha..
B= Hey C, so what do suggest for audince?
C= If I were u, I would to face whatever relationship problem because we can’t hide our feeling.
B= I don’t think so. Let’s focus to the academic.
A= Like this for B’s disagreeing.
D= But we can’t focus if our heart hide a special feel.

A= What if we stuck in that problem?
D= iI have solution
MC= OK D, save ur question. C, save ur answer. We will know about C’s solution after commercial break. Keep your channel, don't move and stay on FOUR EYES.

siapa A,B, C, D, n MC???cepetan daftar...dengan comen di bawah sini

4 Response to "DIALOG ENGLISH III"

candra mengatakan...

aku c

Unknown mengatakan...

ade yang b ya ve....

hanya .a.k.u. mengatakan...

Aq yg A jg gpp fiv,, udah bgs kq.. Mksi y..

ve mengatakan...

klo gtu sy MC...nuhun
